Is AZ Blue or Red?

People always wonder why I say Arizona was Purple and has gone Blue. Well, let me explain why!

Pew Research did a study on the nation that showed the stats for 2018. It shows 38% describe themselves as independents, while 31% are Democrats and 26% call themselves Republicans. 17% of those are Democratic-leaning independents, while 13% lean toward the Republican Party. Just 7% of Americans decline to lean toward a party.

In Arizona, Democrats made up 32%. Republicans have held steady at 35%.and “Others” make up 35% in 2020.
According to Redfin News, in 2020-2022 Arizona lost Democrats but gained Independents which unfortunately lean more Left than Right.

According to our Arizona Secretary of State website Arizona is 34.67% Republican, 30.66% Democrat, 33.89% other, and 0.78% Libertarian as of right now in 2022.

With the Open Border Policy for Illegal Immigrants and the surge of Liberal-minded people moving from California to Arizona; the Democrats gain new registered voters everyday! Democrat voters all vote lock step with their party, but Republicans not so much! Republicans don’t hold their nose and vote, they stay home and whine!

If the majority of Independents are in fact left-leaning, then the Democrats have more voters than the Republicans. With the left-leaning laws they keep shoving down our throats like Prop 308 allowing financial aid for college students regardless of immigration status, their numbers will continue to grow!

I’ve already giving examples of why there was not a Red Wave here in Arizona in my last blog post Red Wave or Red Drizzle. I’ll say it again… If we are to turn Arizona back to Red, we’re going to have to come together, step up our game, change the way we do things, and really hit the ground running! If we don’t, Arizona will only get more blue and stay blue for a very long time!

Are our Arizona Republicans up for the fight?

Copyright Black Conservative Independent 2022 – All Rights Reserved

TikTok and the Pro-Life Argument

Kuuleme T Stephens

This is the most IGNORANT argument I’ve heard in a while, so I thought I’d write about it! The arguments for what is viewed as racist is out of control! The Left loves calling everything out as racist, and in my opinion the Right appeases them with a reactionary response that does more harm than good.

I ran across this video on TikTok the other day. I’ve seen the video posted on Facebook as well. I guess this fool doesn’t know who started Planned Parenthood and their goal!

Abortion was made to eliminate Black folks NOT help them! It is NOT healthcare, it’s Genocide and Eugenics! Do Liberals not research before crying racism?!?

Margret Sanger was the founder of The American Birth Control League and Planned Parenthood. She is credited with coming up with the term Birth Control. She was also a known Eugenicist. This woman was not only a racist, she also targeted the disabled as well. In many ways the woman was a female version of Adolf Hitler.

Margret Sanger’s name was removed from one PP clinic back in July of 2020 due to her harmful connections to the eugenics movement! Planned Parenthood is disavowing Margret Sanger and those like her now, because of Pro-life people like me, Lila Rose, The National Black Pro-Life Coalition, The Issues4Life Foundation, Protecting Black Life, and many others preaching about the FACTS of the racist history of PP and Abortion! But hey Liberals, keep being hypocritical and praising the racist woman! SMH….

Sources say eighty percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics are within easy walking distance of minority neighborhoods and 60 percent are in minority zip codes. Protecting Black Life has an interactive map that will show you this no matter where you live in the US. According to Planned Parenthood’s Guttmacher Institute, “In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women”. Black women constitute 13 percent of the female population, but they are getting 36 percent of the abortions.

Do you think that is a COINCIDENCE?!?

The excuse that the Pro-Life movement is racist is insane! You CAN NOT blame poor personal choices and lack of home training on racism! I myself grew up in the ghetto. If you want to succeed in this life, you will find a way! Skin color doesn’t have anything to do with this and it damn sure doesn’t hinder you in this day and age! Many people (of all colors) in our past marched, protested, and even died to ensure we are equal in this world; not equal with special privileges!

STOP with the excuses already! STOP blaming others for your lack of personal responsibility and lack of home training! It does our ancestors and the many who came before us a great disservice and in no way honors their memory!

Copyright Black Conservative Independent 2021 – All Rights Reserved

Quick Thoughts on The State of the Union

Tonight was President Trump’s State of the Union Address.

In my opinion he did rather well! This is his third State of the Union Address to the nation to date. He awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor, to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Other thing he addressed were the record low unemployment rate, factories being built and manufacturing jobs staying here instead of outsourcing these things overseas, Criminal Justice Reform, taking a stand on the 2nd Amendment, standing up for prayer in school and Religious Freedoms, banning late-term abortion, and much more!

The night ended with hateful theatrics coming from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, as she ripped up her copy of the address while standing behind the POTUS, with camera’s still running. I personally found this behavior to be rude, disrespectful, and very unprofessional! Why is she even still here?!? I mean, why do people keep voting for someone so vile and hateful?

Can she not represent ALL of the people she’s supposed to represent with some dignity for a short period of time, without acting a fool! She doesn’t have to like everyone she works with on a personal level, but at least be respectful! If she going to act like a child, maybe she should STEP DOWN OR RESIGN!

I don’t care what party she ran under or what letter she carries behind her name! When you reach the State or National level of politics, you’re supposed to be representing BOTH SIDES of the political isle! People tend to forget that! Now not only is she embarrassing herself, she’s now also embarrassing the AMERICAN PEOPLE as a whole!

She’s also NOT setting a good example for our youth in this country either! Our kids may see this and think it’s an appropriate way to react with their parents or teachers, when they don’t like something! Also, what about our older youth who are thinking about or may be wanting to get into politics?!?

Do you think Pelosi thought about her actions and how they might affect them before she threw her tantrum?!? SHEESH!

#ActRightOrStepDownPelosi #NoNeedForAllThat #PelosiNeedsSomeHomeTraining #SettingABadExample4OurYouth

Copyright Black Conservative Independent 2020 – All Rights Reserved

BLack Conservative Independent: The White Sheep of the Black Community

I am writing this little note in explanation of my views as an Black Conservative Independent. I get a lot of grief over my views on politics, welfare, and in life in general. I’m especially writing this for my Liberal Democrat friends and family. With any luck, reading this will help you to understand me a little more. Please note that I am not a professional writer!!!

I have only been called a “Nigger” twice in my lifetime. Once was as a child on the playground at school. I don’t really count that one because the 7-year-old that called me that didn’t understand the meaning of the word at the time. The second time, I was in my mid twenties and was in a bar brawl with a Caucasian female who thought she was tough and was trying to anger me more because she was loosing. That did the trick and it was quite a show considering I let my anger get the best of me and started acting like one!

People usually find this to be odd, but I’ve experienced more racism and hatred from my own Black Community then I ever have with any other community. I have been called an Uncle Tom, a Race Trader, a Sell Out, a Fake, a Wanna-Be-White-Bitch, an Aunt Jemima, a House Nigger, and so much more. I have been told that I am confused, that I’m a racist toward my own kind, that I am brainwashed, that I’m stupid, that I talk white, and that I need to “embrace my blackness”. Considering that my skin is a beautiful mocha brown, I do believe my blackness has embraced me!

To tell you the truth, I have a hard time understanding why I would be called all of these thing, but this is some of the reasons (excuses) that I have come up with.

-I speak proper English and don’t speak Ebonics, so I’m not Black enough.

-I went to college and didn’t drop out of school so I’m not Black enough.

-I’m not a famous sports player or rapper and didn’t give up on life when I didn’t become one, so I’m not Black enough.

-I work a job and don’t live off of welfare so I’m not Black enough.

-I don’t do any drugs, so I’m not Black enough.

-I don’t deal drugs and I’m not in a gang, so I’m not Black enough.

-I don’t have 2 or more “babies daddies”, so I’m not Black enough.

-I don’t keep having children so I can stay on welfare, so I am not Black enough.

-I don’t expect someone else to pay my way, so I’m not Black enough.

-I use common sense in everything I do, so I am not Black enough.

-I aspire to be something more that average and work hard to accomplish my goals, so I’m not Black enough.

-I don’t believe everything I am told and do research to establish my opinions, so I am not Black enough.

-I have a 4 bedroom 3 bath house in a nice neighborhood, so I’m not Black enough.

-I’m married to a Caucasian man and have a mixed race child, so I am not Black enough.

-I don’t blame every failure that I have in life on racism and learn from my mistakes, so I am not Black enough.

-I don’t pick my friends based on their race I pick them because we get along and I like them, so I’m not Black enough.

-I didn’t and will never vote for Obama

And the biggest one of them all…………..

-I pulled my head out of my behind, left the Democrat Party, and became an Independent.

Like most Black Americans, I was born into the Democrat Party. I say “born into” because you are literally a Democrat from birth. When you register, you register Democrat, and when you vote you always vote Democrat no matter what. You’re not expected to have an opinion or have a stance on any issues, just vote democrat and you’ll be fine. My Grandmother, who is still a Democrat Party ground pounder, took me to register as soon as I turned 18. I had the gall to ask, “What are these other parties about?”. She glared and told me”don’t worry about them, they are not for you and the Blacks”. So, I did what I was told.

When I went off to college, I decided that I would finish out my Freshman year and then enter the United States Navy. I have to admit, my eyes started opening once I got away from my family and my hometown of Tucson, Arizona. I started paying attention to politics and what was going on in the world because all of this stuff was now affecting me as an individual. The party that I had been born into started sounding more and more foreign and oppressive to me.

When I say foreign and oppressive, I mean I could no longer follow the Democrat Party blindly because I had too many questions about their way of doing things and their beliefs. I didn’t agree on their stance on stem cell research, I didn’t agree with the stance on abortion, and I definitely didn’t agree with the stance on the military and the war. I am a gun owner and fight to preserve the rights to own them. I also found myself disagreeing with the stance that we tax payers should be funding more welfare programs.

I didn’t want to be a part of keeping people dependent on the government, and that is what the Democrat Party does. I definitely don’t believe that you have to be a Democrat because you are Black. The reason I say that the Democrat Party is oppressive is because it teaches persons (especially minorities) that they can’t do any better for themselves and that relying on the government and its social programs is a way of life. How is anyone suppose to achieve anything in life if they’re too busy expecting the government and their socialist programs to take care of them?

Just so I am clear, I do know that people are going to need help from time to time. That was the original idea of the social programs, but now, it’s not a time to time thing. People are just plain lazy and at times, really don’t know any better because of the way they were raised. It’s called the dumbing down of society. I can’t stand knowing that my hard-earned tax dollars are paying for people who don’t want to work, that are bouncing from rehab to rehab, that are receiving more benefits than me (as a working person and tax payer) and have a drug habit. I even know people who have faked disabilities in order to not have to work. Why punish those who are working and paying taxes so that the ones who want to live off of others can live an easier lifestyle? I also believe we should have an express lane for death row. Democrats believe in killing of innocent babies, yet will protest to save the life of a death row inmate. I think that is kind of backwards, don’t you? I see no point in paying for someone ( a criminal of the worst kind) to live (in some cases better than others who have committed no crimes) when they’ve been sentenced to death.

My common sense views didn’t click with the Democrat Theology anymore, I became the White Sheep!

So here I am today taking flack for the way I think, talk, act, vote, and for my lifestyle, but to tell you the truth; they can keep calling me names and criticizing me! I love who I am and those who want to call me names and criticize me are only making me stronger and work harder! If you don’t like my views on Obama, then tell me one thing he’s done for you or the American people besides gracing us with his presence. If you don’t like my views on the Democrat Party (Originally the party of the Ku Klux Klan), then give me some intelligent reasons why you think it’s better than every other party, other than getting free stuff (nothing in this world is free, someone somewhere down the line is paying), calling me names, or saying I’m confused.

I love being an independent thinker. I love not being dependent on anyone or anything! I love not having to sit and wait on food stamps to come in once a month. I love being able to speak proper English because then people don’t think I’m ignorant and uneducated! I love that I stayed in school because it gave me the tools that I needed to get by in this life! I love being drug free because it helps me to see things clearly and able to function without hindrance. I love not being a drug dealer or gang banger, the only place that leads a person is to prison or the grave. A little secret for the thuggin’ gang bangers and drug dealers that think they’re so cool…. (Wearing your pants down to your knees is not sexy! It was started as a signal in the prison system by homosexuals in order to signal that they were available! Now don’t you feel stupid! Lol!!! If your going to wear it, promote it, and fly that flag, at the very least Know Your History!)

And thus, I become a Proud White Sheep of the Black Community! I think I will start a Club! LOL!!!

Copyright Black Conservative Independent 2020 – All Rights Reserved